The Leaves Have Changed

Maybe You Should Too

Switch to Dino’s Superior Alternatives!

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Dino Wishes the

Bone Breaks Your Way!

Happy Thanksgiving

Dino Wishes Everyone

Peace, Love, and Laughter!

Happy Thanksgiving

VELOCI-Raptor | VR

Remove Anxiety & Frustration!

Win the VSAM/xSAM Batch Processing Game

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Universal Data Manager | UDM

Avoid the Nightmares.

Get UDM – Works Like a Dream!

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Oh No! PROD Catalog Accident?

Don’t Panic – Fast Repair & Recovery with T-REX!

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Universal Data Manager | UDM

Know the What, When,

Who, How & Where… 

of zStorage Resources with UDM 

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RealTime Defrag | RTD

Reclaim Wasted Space

 Optimum DASD Utilization for  z/OS 

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Universal Data Manager | UDM

Sit Back & Enjoy the Ride

Let UDM for z/Storage Mgmt do the Work

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Universal Data Manager | UDM

Achieve Extreme

HSM Administration with UDM

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Catalog Mgmt Protection from Mayhem 

Ensure Business Continuity & Fast Recovery

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VELOCI-Raptor | VR

Put Sonic Power in VSAM & xSAM Batch!

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Universal Data Manager | UDM

The Perfect “Mini Me”

for z/Storage Mgmt Expertise

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Universal Data Manager | UDM

for zStorage Mgmt

Empowers Your Team to be Superheroes

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Universal Data Manager | UDM

Allow for Painless Recovery

with UDM’s zStorage & Catalog Mgmt.

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z/OS Management Enterprise Solutions

Dino Software Corporation (Dino Software) develops z/OS enterprise solutions for optimizing complex IT environments and z/OS storage management. In 2002, they released their vanguard product, T-REX.  Dino Software quickly established themselves as specialists within the z/OS mainframe technology space. Dino Software products include ICF catalog, z/OS storage management, VSAM record management, and disaster recovery. Dino Software engineers have authored over 25 products which have saved their clients hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue. Dino Software technology has saved many Fortune 500 from complete meltdowns!

The development teams at Dino Software consist of specialists from both the Performance and Storage groups.  Their initial mission was to design and develop a new catalog management product that eliminated the limitations of older technology.  They engineered the fastest, most comprehensive catalog management product available, “T-REX.”  Dino Software has sold more T-REX licenses, in less time, than any other catalog management product ever released. T-REX remains the touchstone in ICF catalog technology, containing the functionality of at least 6 stand-alone (and separately priced) products in the market.  

Dino Software followed this early success with an array of new, innovative products.  Their portfolio comprises performance tuning, storage optimization, data, communications security, and z/OS storage management products. Their approach, producing superior products at a reasonable cost, and backing them with first class support from industry experts, has enabled Dino Software to enjoy unprecedented growth and to establish itself as the gold standard in z/OS management solutions for the enterprise.