BMC Replacement – Get Dino Tools for Easy, Optimal z/Storage Mgmt
Get Dino Tools for Easy, Optimal z/Storage Mgmt
Universal Data Manager|UDM replaces MainView – request a Demo or Trial Now
UDM is a z/OS SRM solution providing a consolidated global view of the enterprise storage environment, extending Automation, Auditing, Monitoring, Reporting and Control Functions of data with a mouse click. It allows for managing z/OS Storage, including, Tape Robots and Tape Catalogs, DFSMShsm, CA-Disk, ICF Catalogs, DASD Volumes, DFSMS objects, Spool data and other related objects. It is the easiest tool to install and the most user-friendly utility that integrates with all DINO products, further extending their standalone capabilities with automation.
RTD (z/OS, Db2) replaces COMPAKTOR and is the only tool available for Db2 – Trial Now
RealTime Defrag|RTD (z/OS, Db2) provides automatic easily controlled z/OS DASD volume maintenance for the 24×7 operating environment, without the disruption to production schedules which legacy defrag and volume maintenance products engender, and with high throughput due to its advanced multiple address space architecture.
VELOCI-Raptor|VR replaces Batch Optimizer – Trial Now
VR is an intuitive, integrated performance optimization solution designed to dramatically improve application performance by significantly reducing the resources needed for batch and online I/O processing. VR reduces application overhead for both VSAM and non-VSAM files by dynamically implementing buffering strategies that provide the optimal execution environment for the access method.
XTINCT replaces FDRERASE – Trial Now
XTINCT is a tool for wiping data from DASD and Tape to ensure the original data is unrecoverable. In addition to providing a complete audit trail and comprehensive reports to satisfy regulators, XTINCT surpasses NIST guidelines for cleaning and purging data. XTINCT satisfies all federal and international requirements including Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, HSPD-12, Basel II, SOX, Gramm-Leach-Bliley and other data security and privacy laws.