Get UDM for Enterprise z/Storage Mgmt.
UDM is a z/OS SRM solution providing a consolidated global view of the enterprise storage environment, extending Automation, Auditing, Monitoring, Reporting and Control Functions of data with a mouse click. It allows for managing z/OS Storage, including, DFSMShsm, CA-Disk, Tape Robots and Tape Catalogs, ICF Catalogs, DASD Volumes, DFSMS objects, Spool data and other related objects. It is a simple tool to install and the most user-friendly utility that integrates with other Dino products, further extending their standalone capabilities with automation.
Take a (7-min) peek at UDM’s Dashboard Monitoring Critical Events & Conditions Across the Enterprise
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UDM, featuring easy to implement:
∗ Real-time monitoring
∗ Proactive alerts
∗ True centralized enterprise view
∗ Powerful message trapping
∗ Policy-based automation with email notifications
∗ Installation in minutes
∗ No distributed servers