ETJ3: Get T-REX for Business Continuity

Get T-REX for Business Continuity (GUI Available)

T-REX Trial Now

T-REX is a comprehensive z/OS mainframe utility designed to analyze, diagnose, report, reorganize, backup, and repair clusters and ICF (Integrated Catalog Facility) components, as well as assist with the overall maintenance and ensure continuous operational capabilities of the ICF catalog environment.  T-REX repairs and recovers the catalog without requiring an outage. This facility is a must for a 24/7 operation.


You may also be interested to learn more about Universal Data Manager – request a Demo or Trial Now

UDM is a z/OS SRM solution providing a consolidated global view of the enterprise storage environment, extending Automation, Auditing, Monitoring, Reporting and Control Functions of data with a mouse click.  It allows for managing z/OS Storage, including, Tape Robots and Tape Catalogs, DFSMShsm, CA-Disk, ICF Catalogs, DASD Volumes, DFSMS objects, Spool data and other related objects. It is the easiest tool to install and the most user-friendly utility that integrates with all DINO products, further extending their standalone capabilities with automation.

     UDM, featuring easy to implement:

       ∗  Real-time monitoring 

       ∗  Proactive alerts 

       ∗  True centralized enterprise view

       ∗  Powerful message trapping

       ∗  Policy-based automation with email notifications

       ∗  Installation in minutes

       ∗  No distributed servers



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