DINO please contact me Trial VR
** Special Offer in 2016 **
Decide to proactively transition, and for a limited time DINO is offering no payment in 2016 to help offset any budgetary commitment to Hyper-Buf. DINO will also provide conversion assistance at no charge. Act now to ensure a smooth and effortless migration!
What does VELOCI-Raptor (VR) do?
For VSAM optimizations
VR intelligently selects either the NSR (Non-Shared Resource) or LSR (Local Shared Resources) buffering techniques, and then uses its internal optimization rules and services to make the most efficient and effective use of that buffering technique.
VR supports all current VSAM macro formats, and can intelligently use those macro formats in conjunction with the selected buffering technique to accelerate application processing. When needed, VR can exploit the use of all 256 LSR buffer pools. VR also provides VSCR (Virtual Storage Constraint Relief) by placing VSAM control blocks and buffers above the 16MB line.
For non-VSAM optimizations
VR ensures optimal tuning and buffer allocation by selecting a buffer count that will optimize the use of SAM/E chained scheduling for asynchronous sequential access (QSAM).
Why optimize batch processing performance and reduce system overhead?
By buffering VSAM and non-VSAM files more efficiently, your system can process applications more quickly and with less demand on the CPU. VR allows users to defer CPU upgrades, thereby saving both time and money.
What are the primary challenges that VELOCI-Raptor addresses?
The primary challenges faced by data centers are the need to reduce batch processing time, the need and ability to meet service level agreements, the requirement to maximize system performance without extensive programming changes and the ability to determine system-wide impact of application tuning activities. VR addresses these challenges by:
- Eliminating CPU time that is wasted during I/O operations.
- Automatically reducing system overhead and batch window constraints.
- Eliminating manual tuning efforts.
- Allowing users to defer or eliminate CPU upgrades.
- Ensuring service level agreements are more easily met.