T-REX 8.1 Enhancements

z/OS 3.1 Support

  • Full support for IBM’s z/OS 3.1 operating system and earlier
  • RAPTOR support for DFSMSrmm V3R1
  • Support for IBM changes to DEVTYPE macro

T-REX Product Enhancements


  • The STEPLIB data set concatenation limitation for REORG tasks AMXMAIN/AMTREXRG has been removed.
  • A warning message will be issued if the IDCSYSIN DD is specified and the INPLACE option is used.
  • RLS considerations have been added to ensure the STORAGE class has a CACHE set specified, along with additional messages.
  • The REORG command now includes support allowing SUSPEND/RESUME of catalogs, providing further system validation and an additional layer of protection for catalogs during the REORG process.
  • The REORG command has been enhanced to validate the VOLCAT name being used if SIMULATE and REDEFINEOBJECT have been specified, further protecting catalog integrity.
  • The REORG command gives the user the option to request WTO messages during operation.


  • INTEGRITYCHECK has a new optional SETRETURN keyword, allowing override specification of the return code when corrective control cards are generated.
  • INTEGRITYCHECK now supports the AGE(number) option for the IC OBJECT(CS) focus(BCS) command, allowing the user to specify the number of days to focus the operation.
  • Message AMSE2895I has been changed to AMSE2895W.


  • The ANALYZE command will now determine if the CI size is large enough to account for all the allocated space in the Data component and issue a message if unusable CIs are detected.
  • New WTO messages will be issued for both ANALYZE and EXPORT commands if a catalog is approaching the 4GB limit.


  • The ICFRU command fully supports the new SMF 16-byte timestamp feature available in z/OS 3.1.0.


  • New options and keywords have been added to print selected BCS, VVDS, or VTOC records.


  • New summary reports have been added to the REPORT OBJECT( SPACE) command.