Make Sure It’s Never as It Was!

Get XTINCT for permanent DASD

and Tape Erasure. 

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Permanent Data Erasure

XTINCT is a tool for wiping data from DASD and Tape to ensure the original data is unrecoverable. In addition to providing a complete audit trail and comprehensive reports to satisfy regulators, XTINCT surpasses NIST guidelines for cleaning and purging data. XTINCT satisfies all federal and international requirements, including Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, HSPD-12, Basel II, SOX, Gramm-Leach-Bliley and other data security and privacy laws.


  • Compliant with all z/OS releases.
  • Supports all 3390 type disks.
  • Supports EAV volumes.
  • DISKINIT command can erase all models of 3390 DASD.
  • DSINITD command will erase all extents from all volumes occupied by a sequential or partitioned data set by overwriting all extents with binary zeros. The data sets to be erased must be cataloged. There is no provision to provide volume serial numbers for uncataloged data sets.
  • DSINITT command will erase all volumes of a tape data set.
  • DSINITV command will erase VSAM data sets.
  • TAPEINIT command allows the user to allocate a single drive and erase as many tapes as need be.
  • Tapes in a VTS are also supported.
  • …and more